Land Mammal - "Emergence"

Land Mammal is an experimental psych rock band from Dallas, Texas that specializes in "heavy, meditative psychedelic rock". The band is primarily composed of vocalist/lyricist Kinsley August and guitarist/multi-instrumentalist Will Weise, who recruit many other musicians with various skills and instrumental specialties to create an immersive and worldly sound. Land Mammal released their debut self-titled EP in 2019, the album Slow Your Mind in 2021, and their second full-length album, Emergence, on July 12, 2024. 

I first heard Land Mammal's music when they released the single Tear You Down leading up to the release of Emergence. To say that I found myself utterly enchanted by its beautiful earth tones, triumphantly soaring vocals, and blissful, dreamy quality would be an understatement; I felt absolutely empowered by it. There was something else about the band's sound as well, something ancient yet incredibly modern, like stumbling upon an intricate relic, that spurred an intense craving to hear more. 

Enter Emergence. 


Track Listing:

1. Doors to Reality
2. Tear You Down
3. Emergence
4. Separation
5. Divide
6. I Am
7. The Circle
8. Transcendence Pt. 1
9. Transcendence Pt. 2

Emergence is one of those albums that flows in such a perfect, seamless way, each song pouring its energy into the next like water from streams into rivers into oceans. While each stop varies in both composition and intensity, the transfer itself couldn't be more natural. As a whole, the journey of Emergence is one that is hypnotic, haunting, trance-inducing, and emotive, traveling through both darkness and light, doubt and hope. Along the way, there are several instrumental interludes that enhance and prepare one for each leg of this mind flight; Doors to Reality, Separation, and Transcendence Pt. 1 and (beautiful, mercurial songs featuring somber piano, sullen bass, cautious guitar, wailing organ, and gorgeous esraj, punctuated by tabla. In fact, I initially listened to Emergence on a stormy gray afternoon and the rhythm and tone of the tabla beautifully matched up with the patter of rainfall on my window, gloriously intensifying the experience). 

As mentioned earlier, the song Tear You Down is a bright and confident one, making you feel as if you could sprout wings and fly from wherever you may be, leaving your troubles in the dust. This takes a turn with the moody bass and beautifully eerie vocalizations on Emergence. Divide sounds triumphant but weary in a palpable way, its scintillating string arrangements adding a captivating texture. The powerful mantra of I Am ("I will never cease to be! I am! I am! I am!") had my eyes threatening to fill; a confident declaration of being that seems simple at face value, but is truly the most powerful statement. I Am quiets to a whisper and flows gently into The Circle, which vacillates between trepidation and freeing sanguinity, before utterly blasting off with the latter, screaming guitar solos in its wake. The album ends with the murmur and bustle of a crowd, presumably a busy city street or similar public setting, leading up to the final sound: the weighty slam of a door. This shocks the listener back to harsh reality after the meditative journey they've just completed. For me, it gives the idea that just behind that heavy door lies Emergence, there for you when you need an escape. Enter with a heavy heart and cluttered mind, and you'll surely emerge feeling infinitely lighter and clearer (that was definitely true in my case). 

Emergence certainly demonstrates Land Mammal's ability to create the most meditative psychedelic rock utilizing mesmeric vocal and instrumental compositions, but it's so much more than that. It's a spiritual, healing experience for the heart and transcendence for the soul, simultaneously empowering and soothing. 

More About Land Mammal

Musicians on Emergence:

  • Kinsley August - Vocals, Lyrics
  • Will Weise - Guitar, Bass, Sitar, Lap Steel
  • Phil Soapsmith - Bass
  • Paul "Lefty" Wright - Sitar, Flute, Esraj, Tanpura
  • Bryan David - Drums, Guitar, Bass, Lap Steel, Piano, Synth
  • Jake Dexter - Organ
  • Yatziv Caspi - Tabla, Percussion
  • Drsyaa - Vocals on Emergence and Transcendence 
  • True Turner - Synth on Divide 
  • Maria Grigoryeva - Strings on Divide 
  • Isaiah Mitchell - Guitar Solo on Tear You Down and The Circle
  • Uriah Stake - Bass on The Circle 

You can follow Land Mammal and listen to their music at the following links:

The "Halloween Orange" vinyl for Emergence is available via Kozmik Artifactz!

Get out there and show Land Mammal some love! 


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