Robo: Robot Rock From the South of Germany

Robo Band Photo

Robo is an instrumental duo from Munich, Germany. Churning out their infectious brand of aptly-named "robot rock", this band produces a massive sound with only two musicians. What's more, all of their songs and videos are recorded live, then mixed and mastered. No overdubs or additional tracks are added. 

Founded in 2024, Robo has released three tracks on Spotify and YouTube since late May:

1. The tempestuous Thrasher, evoking images of a blinding sandstorm in a post-apocalyptic setting, debris from deserted colonies scattered among the dunes...and maybe a few defunct robots hanging around for good measure. 

2. The deliciously groovy Monster, fluid and smooth with its ebb and flow, yet weighty and rumbling. 

3. ...And my personal favorite, the gritty Five and Six, chock full of stoner/desert textures and injected with a taste of cool heavy psych. 

Robo is currently hard at work on more songs, and I can't wait to hear what they have in store!

More About Robo

You can stream Robo's music and follow them at the following links:


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