Finnish Grunge/Noise Rock Quartet Som Är Död Releases "Warmth Of The Sun" EP


Som Är Död is a four-piece alternative/grunge/noise rock band from Finland. The band describes their sound as one that...

"...leans sonically on a wall of bricks that is built with action, noise, twists, turns, and alternative hooks that will hit you in your grunge loving ass."

First of all, that sounds right up my alley. 
Second, as it just so happens, I have a grunge loving ass. 

Naturally, I found myself digging this band in a big way from the moment I pressed "play" on their new EP, Warmth Of The Sun, which was released on September 16, 2024. Even though there are only 5 tracks to be had, this EP covers a lot of ground. Let's take a closer look: 

Warmth Of The Sun

1.) Come Alive

Come Alive begins the EP with a live wire, electric buzz and a heavy rumble as gruffly melodic, grungy vocals soar overhead. The fuzziness, a sandblasted coarseness, and above all, the infectious level of energy present on this song give it a hint of a Fu Manchu vibe. 

2.) Feed My Noise

Feed My Noise maintains the energy in a big way but gives it a punk rock flair for the first half of the song. After this point, it slows to a doom-like trudge with notes of desert psych before rushing out the same way it entered: in a chaotic whirlwind. This track was my first (strong) hint at the impressive adaptability of Som Är Död as musicians. 

3.) Under My Skin

This is a classic stoner-tinted alternative/grunge ballad that immediately had my heart. Dripping with feel-good 90s nostalgia but not without heart-wrenching relatability in the lyrics, delivered in a very genuine, passionate way by vocals and instrumentals alike. This song clearly demonstrates what is probably my favorite thing about grunge: it's often heavy, stormy music that doesn't fear being vulnerable in its message. If anything, it wears it like a badge of honor, and I dig that shit :) Needless to say, this is my favorite song on the EP. 

4.) Then You Died

Then You Died reprises the punk style found on Feed My Noise and elevates it tenfold. Even though this is a very short song (at one minute and forty-seven seconds), it somehow manages to take that punky gruffness and allow it to soften more and more as the song goes on, particularly with each chorus. Especially with the inclusion of some great vocal harmonies in those choruses and the grungy vocal delivery, Then You Died gives off some strong Bad Religion vibes by its end (and I love some Bad Religion). Furthermore, the brevity of the song combined with its passionate intensity make it feel like the rising action of Warmth Of The Sun. 

5.) Godlizard

Godlizard has an entire album's worth of twists and turns crammed into its four and a half minute runtime. The song is a great amalgamation of the styles Som Är Död utilizes thoughout the EP, containing healthy amounts of grunge, alternative, and hardcore. Godlizard's verses are spiraling, trippy, pseudo-psychedelic interludes layered between tumultuous choruses that get increasingly frantic as the song goes on, ending in an all-out uproar. The track abruptly ends and fades out with an eerie final note of feedback, leaving you delightfully shaken and wondering, "I'm not entirely sure of the totality of what just happened, but I like it." This is certainly the heaviest song on the EP, and could easily be classified as stoner or alternative metal. 


Final Thoughts

In a nutshell, Warmth Of The Sun delivers a ton of variety and an almost indescribable level of energy, but it's so much more than that. Its grunge/alternative roots not only make the tempestuous segments more digestible for people like me who are drawn more toward the lighter side of heavy music, but it really gives Som Är Död's sound a palpable warmth in its vitality. Warmth Of The Sun does a phenomenal job of being both heavy and heartfelt, making it an approachable listen for fans of many styles of heavy music.

Perhaps Som Är Död themselves relay the message best in saying:

"This band delivers their story and music with sincerity and confidence. 
Join us, we are alive." 

This is a band that I'm delighted to see entering the heavy underground scene, and I'm beyond excited to see what Som Är Död does next. 

More About Som Är Död

You can follow Som Är Död and listen to their music at the following links:


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