SFTHU Quick Reviews: Dax Riggs "7 Songs for Spiders" - Psalms for the Jaded Realist

 7 Songs for Spiders is here, and it's everything you expected and more. 

The one and only Dax Riggs is back with his first album in fifteen years, and it bears mentioning that the era of shrieking as the frontman of Acid Bath was merciful to his vocals. Riggs' voice on 7 Songs for Spiders remains rich and velvety smooth, and that's exactly what's required to deliver these seven hazy and soulful tracks. 

                                  Dax Riggs 7 Songs for Spiders Album Cover Photo

7 Songs for Spiders could realistically be translated to "7 Psalms for the Jaded Realist". Each song candidly explores demons (both real and those that reside within us), death, love, belief (or lack thereof), and the afterlife. For all of this darkness, there's just as much bright optimism, or in this case, a brutal but peacefully relayed honesty and acceptance of one's inability to care, comply, or jump on the bandwagon. What makes this subject matter on 7 Songs for Spiders stand out is its presentation as a hymnal of sorts, the songs deeply grounded in swampy southern gospel tones, inspired by the culture of Louisiana where these tracks were authored. The album also incorporates an undercurrent of darkened and slowed proto metal, muddy grunge, and enough buzz and hum to satisfy the stoner rock fan. Surprisingly, there's also an electronic component on a few of the tracks, giving them a danceable goth groove. In fact, the album's closing song, Graveyard Soul, overachieves in following this framework and ends up being the pleasant surprise and "bop" of the album. 

7 Songs for Spiders isn't an album to be taken lightly; it's incredibly thought-provoking and relatable, made to be savored and pondered upon. More than anything else, I personally found this album to be reassuring and downright comforting, a reminder that life is often about finding a way to amicably reside alongside both your inner demons and those that hang out around you. And, while this peaceful cohabitation with darkness is possible, it doesn't mean that you have to follow its example or succumb to it. 

"Put on your face and laugh. Take off your mask and sing." 

7 Songs for Spiders is available digitally and in vinyl/CD format via Fat Possum Records.

You can follow Dax Riggs and listen to his music at the following links:


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