OTHO: German Stoner Rock on an Epic Venture

OTHO Band Photo

OTHO, formed in 2021 in the Ruhr region of Germany, sought out to breathe new life into the German stoner rock scene. The band utilizes elements of stoner, desert, space, and progressive rock to take their listener on a wild, yet thought-provoking ride; you can't help but pause for a moment to appreciate the skillful configurations of their songs. As a result, when listening to OTHO, it's difficult to know whether you're mentally on a rally car speeding through the desert or hurtling through the vast uncertainty of space. So...why not both? OTHO also incorporates elements of progressive rock on all of their music by employing more complex compositions and tempo changes, adding to the sensation of being on a perilous quest. True to the space rock genre in particular, instrumentals are ever-changing but capable of being heavy enough to rattle your insides, creating a wall of sound that surrounds the listener in a delightful way. Vocals, much like the instrumentals here, effortlessly adapt to the particular scene being set at any given time, ranging from dazed and robotic to melodic to gruff, but they're always incredibly smooth, never grating. What I'm getting at here is OTHO's approach to music is supremely well thought-out, combining all of these layers and techniques to create some killer sonic imagery. 

As I so often recommend, crank this one to max volume, kids. 

OTHO has released four incredible tracks since June 2023, each one being different from the last, providing its own unique story and atmosphere. In addition, the band has already been staying busy in 2024, performing at several live gigs. However, the goal here is to bring some more much-deserved attention to this amazing band in other parts of our home planet, especially in light of the hard work and attention to detail they put into their craft.



 Be sure to check out OTHO on FacebookInstagramSpotify, and YouTube!

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